Construction Waste
CIWM Directory

Construction Waste

1 Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5AT,


The Construction Waste Portal emerged from a straightforward idea: leveraging crowdsourced waste data to enhance resource efficiency in the construction sector.

Imagine a product that transforms the industry—one that not only redefines perceptions of construction waste but also minimises waste, boosts efficiency, and promotes circularity.

The Construction Waste Portal is designed to revolutionise waste management on your construction projects. Our innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution empowers you to predict, plan, and prevent construction waste accurately, significantly reducing project costs. Our innovative software ensures efficient and effective waste management.

Sustainable construction is at the heart of our mission. By utilising our SaaS platform, you optimise your operations and positively impact the environment by reducing your construction waste impact, leading the way in industry change.

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