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Calm and collected

19th February 2020

conflict management / health and safety / mental health / toolbox talk

Prioritise your tasks with the low-hanging fruit matrix

13th February 2020

priority matrix / Professional Development / time management

Thriving at work: Mental Health and Wellbeing

12th February 2020

mental health / mental health and wellbeing plan / mental health core standards

Are you confident you’re fully protected?

23rd January 2020

compliance / health and safety / PPE

Building a winning mindset

22nd January 2020

overcome challenges / positive mindset

Theory X and Theory Y Management Styles

17th January 2020

Leadership / Management / motivation

10 small changes to increase diversity and inclusion in your company

19th December 2019

diversity / inclusion / recruitment / training

Motivate staff to become resource efficient

12th November 2019

behaviour change / Resource Efficiency

Are you ready for a “no deal” Brexit?

18th October 2019

Brexit / EU / Waste Exports

Chemical Regulation in the UK

16th October 2019

chemical regulation / chemicals inquiry / chemicals strategy

How to attract Millennials to your company

10th October 2019

Development / Millennials / RWM / skills

The Art of Giving Feedback

26th September 2019

Feedback / improving performance / reflections

The Power of Professionalism

26th September 2019

framework of professional standards / Membership bodies / professionalism

Networking: why you should care

19th September 2019

Networking / Professional Development / top tips

Building a winning team

19th September 2019

Communication / leadership skills / team engagement

Train to be safe

10th September 2019

health and safety / training

Mind over matter

10th September 2019

mental health / mindfulness / wellbeing

Taking stock

5th September 2019

checklist / managing change / preparing for change

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