Latest MF Data Published For Quarter 1 2018

This is the fourteenth publication of data under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (Schedule 9), and relates to the reporting period, January-March (Q1) 2018.

The average percentage (by weight) of target material received by responding MFs in Q1 2018 was 84.9% for England and 87.5% for Wales.

This shows a 0.7% decrease for England and a 0.6% increase for Wales compared to the previous quarter.

The lowest average percentage (by weight) of a specified target material in the output material streams is for glass in England (89.5%), and glass for Wales (91.3%).

The total tonnage of mixed material entering the MFs in England in Q1 2018 was 884,711 tonnes which is around 7.4% more than the previous quarter. In Wales it was 69,769 tonnes.

For the full data, click here

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