New guidance on sustainable drainage for waste sites released


A new Advisory Note has been published on the WRAP Cymru website intended to help waste site designers, operators and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) approval bodies (SABSs) in Wales to implement SuDS.

The Advisory Note was commissioned by WRAP Cymru, in partnership with Welsh government and conducted by Eunomia Research & Consulting in collaboration with Stantec, a sustainable design and engineering organisation.

Sophie Crossette of Eunomia Research and Consulting commented: “Designing waste sites with sustainable drainage has clear environmental benefits by creating more green spaces, attracting greater biodiversity and reducing pressure on already stretched water providers.

“This guidance will be a great point of reference for anyone involved in the industry on how to integrate these systems into an operational waste facility when redeveloping or building a new waste site.”

Designing waste sites with sustainable drainage has clear environmental benefits by creating more green spaces.

The Advisory Note aims to provide “clarity” around the practical application, and factors for consideration, when implementing SuDS on a waste site. It applies to sites which store and/or process waste, such as Waste Transfer Stations, Household Waste and Recycling Centres and Material Recycling Facilities, Eunomia says.

Commenting on the guidance, Lisa Chilcott, Operations Support Manager of WRAP Cymru, said: “We are delighted to have been able to produce (commission) this work which we hope will enable both waste operators and SABs to get the most out of SUDS while still complying with environmental permitting requirements.”

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