Viridor outlines focus areas in sustainability report

UK-owned recycling, resources and waste management company, Viridor, has released its 2019 Sustainability Report, setting out its priority programmes in plastics, biodiversity and sustainable finance, with the aim of driving accelerated progress in these areas.

The report sets out the five clear commitments of the Pennon Plastics Programme, including investment, innovation and collaboration, and the progress made.

This includes a multi-million investment into a new plastics recycling facility at Avonmouth which will see 80,000 tonnes of recycled plastic placed back into the economy as quality product, ready to be sold again.

It also flags Viridor’s new biodiversity strategy, under which the company will showcase good practice via partnerships and responsible stewardship to protect and improve biodiversity across its sites and operational areas.

This includes 8 Biodiversity Benchmark sites on restored landfills, accredited by the Wildlife Trusts.

This year, Viridor has aligned its own key sustainability focus areas to the Global Goals to be able to measure our own contribution and sustainability in the years to come

Pennon has also developed a Sustainable Financing Framework, with 72% of finance raised under this framework in 2018/19, demonstrating the significant environmental and social benefits of Viridor investments.

Dan Cooke, Group Head of Sustainability for Viridor’s parent company, Pennon, said: “Viridor also continues to encourage our customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders to familiarise themselves with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and to see how we can all contribute towards them.

“This year, Viridor has aligned its own key sustainability focus areas to the Global Goals to be able to measure our own contribution and sustainability in the years to come.”

Phil Piddington, managing director for Viridor, said: “At Viridor, we know that there are obvious benefits to a clear, strategic and long-term approach to sustainability.

“This enhances our business performance, strengthens resilience, and protects the environment and our ongoing licence to operate via regulatory compliance. It is integral to our business and, most importantly, it meets our customers’ expectations and those of the communities in which we operate.

“We have actively pressed for a more sustainable and circular economy around the waste and resources value chain, and the publication of the Resources and Waste Strategy for England is a significant recent development.

“We welcome the RWS [resources and waste strategy], and the forthcoming legislation to deliver on it, and believe it will bring positive changes towards greater resource efficiency across the UK.”

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