Dover District Council and Veolia reduce carbon emissions by 7.5%

Zero emissions vehicle

As part of the new environmental services contract with Veolia, Dover District Council says it has decreased its carbon emissions by 7.5%.

Dover District Council has set a goal to achieve carbon net zero by 2030.

Veolia says the carbon footprint of electricity, gas and fuel consumed by Dover’s recycling, waste and street cleansing operations has dropped by 7.5% when comparing 2022 to 2020 – consumption was reduced by 10.5% for electricity, 10.2% for gas and 7.5% for fuel.

Veolia has been providing waste and recycling collections, food waste, and street cleaning in the Folkestone & Hythe and Dover areas since 2011 and was awarded an eight-year contract in January 2021.

The carbon footprint reduction will have a positive impact on the environment as well as local communities.

Since the start of the new contract, Veolia says it has implemented several carbon reduction initiatives, including launching a new green fleet of vehicles and electric sweepers and redesigning collection routes to minimise travel times. Other measures include smart LED lighting, vehicles with new electric bin lifts and an anti-idling campaign.

David Fitzgerald, General Manager – Municipal South East at Veolia, commented: “These positive results demonstrate Veolia’s commitment to supporting our partner Dover District Council in achieving net zero carbon emissions.

“The carbon footprint reduction will have a positive impact on the environment as well as local communities and we will continue to invest in methods and technologies that create a better and more sustainable future for all.”

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