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Scotland prepares for “mountains of rubbish” as strikes loom

24th July 2024

local authorities / Scotland / Strike


£150m invested in public recycling facilities opening in north London

12th July 2024

local authorities / North London Heat and Power Project / North London Waste Authority


Reviewing Simpler Recycling for Local Authorities

12th July 2024

local authorities / Simpler Recycling


NLWA sets out its priorities for the new Labour government

11th July 2024

energy from waste / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


£1.2m in funding awarded to local authorities to tackle chewing gum litter

10th July 2024

Chewing Gum Task Force / Keep Britain Tidy / local authorities


Local government association elects Louise Gittins as new chair

8th July 2024

local authorities / Local Government Association


Scotland faces nationwide bin strikes

3rd July 2024

Industrial action / local authorities / Scotland


Why communication is key to maximising the impact of impending food waste legislation

2nd July 2024

Food Waste / landfill / local authorities


2 million tonnes of food waste could be saved by effective redistribution solutions, report finds

1st July 2024

food redistribution / Food Waste / local authorities


Scotland passes Circular Economy Bill amid fears of “bin snooping”

1st July 2024

Circular Economy / local authorities / Scotland


Food waste for businesses and local authorities 

14th June 2024

CIWM / Food Waste / local authorities / webinar


Simpler Recycling uncertainty: How local are authorities preparing?

12th June 2024

District Councils’ Network / local authorities / Simpler Recycling


The big local authority funding gap: DRS, delays and pEPR

12th June 2024

Deposit Return Scheme / LARAC / local authorities


LARAC calls on government to prioritise waste management reforms

10th June 2024

Extended Producer Responsibility / local authorities / Simpler Recycling


NLWA launches new school programme to raise waste prevention awareness

7th June 2024

behaviour change / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


Meet the local authorities innovating waste management around the world

4th June 2024

Food Waste / local authorities / Recycling


Cambridge City Council recorded 7 bin lorry fires caused by batteries in 2024

3rd June 2024

Lithium Ion Batteries / local authorities / Waste Fire


Fly-tippers to receive points on driving licence, Tories promise

31st May 2024

Fly-Tipping / local authorities / Waste Crime

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