Waste Container Firm Supports Anti-Trafficking Message

With the introduction of its new tractor units, trailers and van fleet, UK Container Maintenance (UKCM) is adding its support to the Purple Teardrop modern slavery & anti-trafficking campaign with potent messages displayed on each of its vehicles. 

The Purple Teardrop Campaign is a Soroptimist International initiative to promote human rights and its focus is the infringement of human rights suffered by the victims of people trafficking.

Its website quotes UN data recording that approximately 2.5m people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time.

Trafficking impacts people of all backgrounds and people are trafficked for a variety of purposes. Men are often trafficked into hard labour jobs, while children are trafficked into labour positions in textile, agriculture and fishing industries. Women and girls are typically trafficked into the commercial sex industry, ie, prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.

Emma Elston MBE, UKCM CEO – “It is highly alarming that human trafficking is seeing massive year on year increases, The National Crime Agency reported that in 2017 potential victims referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) stood at 5148, a 35% increase on the previous year.”

“The Purple Teardrop campaign aims to end suffering of those who are trafficked, exploited and abused throughout the world, and we are privileged to be in a position to be able to support this vital cause,” Emma Elston MBE, UKCM CEO said.

“It is highly alarming that human trafficking is seeing massive year on year increases, The National Crime Agency reported that in 2017 potential victims referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) stood at 5148, a 35% increase on the previous year. These stats only show those referred to the NRM.

“If the victims are over 18, they can choose whether to be referred. Many choose not to be referred through fear of retribution, and the Home Office estimate that the figure is closer to 13,000 victims affected each year.”

UKCM’s new UK Container Distribution Fleet comprises of six Volvo FH Globetrotters and five new Lawrence David trailers – three double-deck triaxle curtainsiders with tail lifts, and single deck curtainsiders with Moffett truck-mounted fork-lifts supplied by Hiab.

Locally, Northwich & District Soroptimist Club is a long established Soroptimist branch (1949), drawing members from Northwich and the surrounding area.

Penny Clarke of Northwich Soroptimist Club said: “For a number of years, the committed team at UKCM have been valued supporters of Purple Teardrop. We are thrilled to have our powerful anti-trafficking message conveyed to a much wider audience as the business expands their fleet, with each vehicle carrying one of our large format stickers.”

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