Modern Slavery Conference 2021

The waste and recycling sector’s professional membership and trade bodies, CIWM and ESA, have announced a joint commitment to tackle ‘slavery, forced labour and human trafficking’ across the industry.

By working together, the two organisations have commited to leveraging their combined membership, which will have a significant reach across the UK’s major waste and recycling operators, to ‘reduce the risk’ of modern slavery across their membership base and the wider sector.

They will set out to awareness and understanding of the issue, outlining clear codes of practice and sharing ‘intelligence, guidance and best practice’. Both parties say they will work collaboratively to tackle the problem alongside other charities and sector bodies.

Following its recent Root It Out campaign, aimed at raising awareness and rooting out slavery across the industry, MRW is taking it one step further by introducing its inaugural Modern Slavery Conference.

The event which ran on 30 June 2021, looked to update, inform and discuss the very latest on modern day slavery and how the waste and recycling sector should best respond to this recognised threat.

CIWM’s Professional Services Director, Katie Cockburn, joined the panel to discuss the joint commitment by CIWM and ESA.

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