CIWM Climate Emergency SEG – State of Play


Understand the state of play for CIWM’s Strategic Expert Group (SEG) on the climate emergency following the publication of Climate Concerns: Stakeholder Insights.

We need to act now to stop further climate change from happening. However, we also need to adapt to the impacts of climate change, which we are experiencing now and is only going to get worse. The question is, what is the role of the waste sector in helping the whole of society to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and thereby achieving national and international net zero ambitions?

Consumption, from food to knick-knacks makes as much, if not greater contribution to GHG emissions than energy production, so reducing consumption and moving our world to a more circular economy model must be the priority to preserve a liveable planet for generations to come.

However, the circular economy is much more than end-of-pipe recycling and recovery, it’s fundamentally about consuming less, and making what we do produce last longer and go further. The combination of the circular economy and the decarbonisation of energy use and production will together move the world to a more sustainable, net zero future.

Below, we explore what climate change is, what has been done to tackle the climate emergency so far, and what decisions and actions need to be taken to address this challenge, and the role our sector can play in achieving a net zero future.

What are Greenhouse Gases?

What is Climate Change?

What has been done to tackle climate change so far?

What is being done about it at a global level?

What is the resources and waste sector’s contribution to climate change?

What can the UK resources and waste sector do to reduce global climate change?

What do CIWM members need to help them to achieve this?

What is the role of the CIWM Climate Emergency SEG?

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