On 16 May 2019, Suffolk County Council and FCC Environment, one of the UK’s leading waste and recycling businesses, began a new 8-year contract for the operation of 11 Recycling Centres in Suffolk.
The new contract aims to drive up recycling in Suffolk with a customer focus, improving the experience for people visiting the sites whilst maximising the amount of materials reused and recycled across the county.
Key features of the new contract include a greater emphasis on reuse and the use of enhanced technology to speed up throughput and tackle trade waste abuse, as well as ongoing site improvements.
“This is a high-profile service with over 1.5 million users each year across the 11 sites” said Paul West, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Waste. “We are delighted to once again be working with FCC Environment, who have demonstrated they have the experience and ambition to deliver against our targets and work in partnership with us to provide an excellent service for residents throughout the county.”
FCC Environment Regional Director Steve Longdon said “FCC Environment manages Recycling Centres up and down the country and as such as are a safe pair of hands, so we are delighted to be continuing this role with Suffolk County Council and we are excited to be bringing through a range of improvements and innovations to ensure we meet resident expectations and increase recycling.”
FCC Environment aims to increase the number of items that are re-used. Currently, items donated on-site are sent to the Re-use shop at Foxhall Recycling Centre and a second re-use shop is due to open at the new Bury site later in the year. This is not only better for the environment but also supports local charities. The new contract will ensure this essential service to residents will continue to complement Suffolk’s doorstep collections.