UK On Track To Meet Packaging Recycling Targets

The latest figures released by the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD) show the UK is currently on track to meet recycling obligations under the packaging regulations.

The data shows the amount of recycling of key packaging materials throughout quarters one and two (Q1 and Q2) of 2017. It reveals each has completed over 50% of its recycling target.

Ecosurety suggests plastic in particular has been a cause of concern all year with the price rising throughout Q1 and Q2.

Analysis by Ecosurety suggests figures appear to show that the high prices have driven the levels of recycling required to ensure that the UK has completed over 50% of the recycling target as we move into the second half of the year, fulfilling over 500,000 tonnes of recycling.

Aluminium and steel recycled has already met around two-thirds of the required targets – with paper achieving 73% and wood reaching 94%.

Glass and plastic are lagging behind, on 52% and 54% of their respective 2017 targets.

Individual targets for each material are: glass (77%); plastic (51%); aluminium (55%); steel (76%); paper (69.5%); wood (22%).

Commenting on the figures, Ecosurety’s commercial manager, Robbie Staniforth, said: “In challenging circumstances we’ve seen good performance in the first half of 2017 across the materials despite the fact that China is taking less material.

“This leads us to believe that the targets set by government are achievable.”

For the full data CLICK HERE

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