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10kg of plastic PPE waste to be recycled every hour in ‘world-first’ collaboration

31st January 2022

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships / Litter / plastic / PPE

Research & Report

Event write-up: Stopping the Plastic Tide

31st January 2022

Litter / Marine Plastic / Ocean Plastic / Pollution


Face mask litter increased by almost 9,000% from March to October 2020

13th December 2021

Coronavirus / Litter / University of Portsmouth


Eunomia produces first-of-its-kind model to calculate the cost of litter

23rd November 2021

EPR / Eunomia / Litter / WRAP


Digital Deposit Return Schemes

26th October 2021

Deposit Return Scheme / DRS / Litter / materials / packaging / trials


Project using drones and data to tackle litter in Bournemouth reveals “game-changing” results

1st October 2021

behaviour change / Hubbub / Litter


Street style

16th September 2021

Litter / local authorities / street scene


£10 million partnership to remove chewing gum litter from high streets

31st August 2021

Chewing Gum / Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, McDonalds and Heineken among top 12 ‘most polluting companies’

11th August 2021

Litter / packaging / Surfers Against Sewage


Birmingham City Council to roll out fleet of mobile recycling centres

16th June 2021

Birmingham City Council / Fly-Tipping / HWRCs / Litter


Robot pirate ships set sail to launch biggest clean-up of UK’s rivers

17th May 2021

Hubbub / Litter / Marine Litter / plastic


Research: DRS and EPR ‘most successful’ policy measures for Mediterranean

6th May 2021

DRS / EPR / Eunomia / Litter


Post lockdown litter prompts call for businesses to #ReturnToRefill

9th April 2021

Coronavirus / Litter / plastic / Single-Use


Government to explore making tobacco industry responsible for smoking litter in England

30th March 2021

Cigarette Waste / Defra / Litter


DRS: Only ‘variable’ deposit charge will tackle ‘waste crisis’, say MPs

18th February 2021

Deposit Return Scheme / Litter / packaging


Over 1,400 bags of waste collected from M20 following Dover border restrictions

6th January 2021

Coronavirus / Highways England / Litter


Litter, Covid, Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Action

4th December 2020

Coronavirus / Litter / street cleansing / Technology


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste launches ALL_TOGETHER GLOBAL CLEANUP to rid the world of litter, one piece at a time

10th September 2020

Litter / Litterati / World Cleanup Day

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