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“Incremental improvements” in all collections except food waste

24th June 2020

ADEPT / collecttion / Coronavirus / local authorities


42% of councils reporting “moderate or severe” levels of HWRC disruption

16th June 2020

ADEPT / Coronavirus / local authorities


“Social distancing” overtakes “sickness” as most common reason for waste collection disruption

10th June 2020

ADEPT / Coronavirus / local authorities / waste colleection

Case Study

Covid-19 legacy: Waste services for the rest of 2020

8th June 2020

collections / council / local authorities / Waste Management


Scots told to “plan ahead” in advance of reopening HWRCs

29th May 2020

Coronavirus / HWRCs / local authorities / Scotland


Joining forces

27th May 2020

local authorities / Local Partnerships / Waste Management


Just 3% of councils in England not providing HWRC service

27th May 2020

Coronavirus / HWRC / local authorities


Green Finance toolkit launched to help councils with long-term economic recovery

26th May 2020

ADEPT / green recovery / local authorities


9 steps to going electric

21st May 2020

Electric Vehicles / local authorities / Waste Collections


Re-opening and safe operation of Household Recycling Waste Centres during Covid-19

20th May 2020

Coronavirus / health and safety / HWRC / local authorities


90% of responding councils report food waste collections “operating normally”

19th May 2020

ADEPT / Coronavirus / Food Waste / local authorities


Over half of councils surveyed intend to open HWRCs this week

12th May 2020

ADEPT / HWRCs / local authorities / recycling centres


Luton first to activate Internet of Bins QR Code

7th May 2020

internet of bins / local authorities / waste collection


Local Authorities publish fifth report into impact of Covid-19 on waste services

6th May 2020

Coronavirus / local authorities / Waste Services


Ministers urge councils to plan for safe re-opening of recycling centres

5th May 2020

Coronavirus / Defra / Guidance / HWRCs / local authorities


Local authority networks issue guidance on reopening HWRCs

5th May 2020

Coronavirus / Guidance / HWRCs / local authorities


“Downward trend” in disruption to waste services

29th April 2020

ADEPT / Coronavirus / local authorities / waste collection


Councils told to plan “organised opening” of recycling centres

29th April 2020

Coronavirus / Fly-Tipping / HWRCs / local authorities

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