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Over A Quarter Throw Food Away Every Day, Waitrose Poll Finds

24th July 2017

Food Waste / Waitrose


Hubbub, Sainsbury’s & Bosch Launch World’s First Community Fridge Network

20th July 2017

Bosh / Community Fridge / Food Waste / Hubbub / Sainsbury’s


WRAP Report Shows Dropping Gate Fees

14th July 2017

AD / composting / Food Waste / Gate Fees / MRFs / WRAP


ReFood’s Dagenham AD Plant Is Open For Business

10th July 2017

AD / Anaerobic Digestion / Food Waste / ReFood / SARIA


WRAP Consults On Updating Food Label Guidance

6th July 2017

Food Labels / Food Waste / WRAP


Recovering High Value With Heat

11th May 2017

cleaning / Food Waste / heat exchange / processors


Separation Anxiety: How To Tackle Stagnating Recycling Rates

16th March 2017

consistency / Defra / DS Smith / Food Waste / household / local authorities / packaging / Recycling Rates / WRAP


Are You Data Efficient?

2nd March 2017

collections / data / finances / Food Waste / local authorities / Waste Policy


Can We Really Cut Food Waste in Half?

2nd February 2017

brands / EU / Food Waste / retailers / Sustainable Development Goals / WRI


Is This The End Of Excessive Confiscation Orders?

19th January 2017

confiscation order / Food Waste / fraud / legal / Natural Resources Wales / prosecution


Food Waste In Homes… It’s The Tip Of The Iceberg

18th August 2016

AD / Courtauld / Food Waste / RWM / Supermarkets / WRAP


Food Waste: The Importance Of Keeping It Local

10th May 2016

AD / Anaerobic Digestion / Birmingham / Carbon Reduction / Food Waste / London / transportation


Food Waste Bill Failure Is A Blow To The Industry

5th May 2016

Asda / Food Waste / Food Waste Reduction Bill / Kerry McCarthy / M&S / War on Waste


Share & Share Alike

21st April 2016

FarShare / food / Food Waste / Resourcing the Future / RFT


Food Waste Reduction Bill: What’s Next?

31st March 2016

Food Waste / Food Waste Reduction Bill / Kerry McCarthy


Are We Going Far Enough On Food Waste?

18th February 2016

circular ecomomy / commission / Europe / Food Waste / package / targets


Don’t Let Good Waste Go Up In Smoke

4th February 2016

AD / Anaerobic Digestion / carbon / Energy / Food Waste / incineration / Kerbside Collection / London / Recycling / Waste Hierarchy


Engagement Key To Reducing Food Waste

2nd October 2015

conference / Food Waste / Recycling / resources / Scotland / scottish / WRAP

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